My mother is dying. Although I try to be very personal and open on my blog, this is something I haven’t wanted to put out there till now. She’s been very sick for the better part of a year now, often in great pain, and in and out of the hospital several times. She’s made her wishes known that she wants to die naturally without artificial life support, and we’re respecting that. She’s coming home tomorrow.
I had the good fortune to visit her a week ago during her last, short recovery. We had some good times together and I am so grateful I had the chance to say goodbye while she was conscious and lucid. But just four days later, things changed dramatically. The doctors today said she probably has less than a week.
If this request resonates with you, please pray for my mom, Corrinne, that her transition may be painless. And also please pray for my dad, Lloyd, and my brother, Bob, and myself. This is a difficult time. Thank you.
Prayers for your family. I like to say the Rosary at times like this; may I say a Rosary for your family? Is that ok?
This seems to be a period of illness and mortality right now; another blogger I follow is going through something VERY rough with her young husband being in hospital and no one knowing what’s wrong with him or if he’ll pull through.
Let’s all pray for each other, all together, shall we?
I read your first line and burst into tears. My family experienced this very same series of events last year with my father, who suffered and fought the fight against cancer. The emotional roller caoster is something we will never forget and changed each of forever.
I am praying for You and your family. May God Bless, comfort and keep each of you in unique way.
My heart is aching for you this moment. You are not alone, you are experiencing the universal human tie that binds each of us that has ever loved another.
Peace and Strenght be with you.
Jon – my thoughts and prayers are with you. I lost both of my parents some years ago; I have at least some sense of how you feel. I also respect your privacy and that you have not wanted to bring this to the web. I admire that you have.
It was the hardest when I lost my mother. We were close, and when my mom died, it was sudden and unexpected. Yet, somehow I knew it was her time. It didn’t stop the tears and heartache, but that ‘knowing’ somehow helped me accept it better. I hope that you and your family, as well as your mom, have some measurement of calm that acceptance can provide. Love, Mark
Tracie, Of course it’s ok! Please do! Thank you.
Mia, Thank you. In spite of this pain, I’m able to remember that it’s the most natural thing in the world. Thanks for your reminders about the bonds of humanity.
Mark, Good to hear from you, brother. I think I am experiencing some of that peace of acceptance. And I do know that it is time.
i too share an offering from my heart, and the prayer that you and your family, (and most especially right now your mother), would each find yourselves wrapped in a blanket of comfort woven from the love you all have for one another…
Corrinne is a beautiful name…
I so much relate to you noticing that dramatic change that is the harbringer of passing into the next state of existance.
My dad died in 1991 of bone cancer, my mom followed him six years later from complications of a stroke. It was heartbreaking, but I also sensed something of the Absolute. An experience that is still with me today.
My prayers are with your mom, your family and you. I wish you strength, courage and support from each other in this difficult time that all of us will have to face some day. You are not alone.
I’m sorry; I can’t imagine that it’s easy.
I have been a long-time lurker on your blog (at least 5 years), often awed by your sense of spirituality and gift with words. I lost my mom last year, and I wanted you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I am rarely compelled to comment, but I feel the need to tell you that your faith is your
strength. I was so afraid of my mother’s death. She had always been such a strong influence in my life. I felt privileged to be with her at her death. I am grateful that I could say, “Mom, go. You have loved us so, and we are grateful for your time with us. But you have been in pain; go and be at peace.”
She would not go until my Dad said similar words to her. I was most worried for him, her partner of 55 years. He held out the longest for her recovery. When he finally told her it was OK to go, her spirit left in a couple of hours.
It pains me to write this, but I hope it helps you. I am grateful that you have chosen to share your spirit with people in the wilderness of the internet.
May you find peace and strength in your time of need.
Jon- So sorry to hear of this change to your life and the difficulty which comes with it.
Like others who have posted comments I too lost my dad 6 years ago to cancer. I appreciate the support and prayers that you gave to me at that time and will most certainly return the favor for you and your family.
I am happy to hear that you had a chance to say goodbye to her and to be by her side to comfort. That closure is very important to her (and will be for you).
Let me know if there is more I can do for you.
i am glad to be able to support you and your family in prayer. let us know if there’s any specific way you’d like us to join with you in our prayers.
Blessings on you all, Jon.