
introduction to the “wild things of god”

If you’re new to the idea of Christian mysticism, what I call “the wild things of God,” the first six pages here serve as an introduction to what the mystical faith is like. Christian mysticism is not an end in itself, but the transformation of the soul into God’s love.

an introduction to christian mysticism:

What is Christian mysticism?
An introduction to the heart of the Christian way.
Starting out
Beginning the adventure of a different kind of faith.
God is Love
The mystery of universal salvation, and an exposé of errors in the teaching of hell.
God in All Things
Biblical panentheism—the “everywhereness” of God
Union with God: Theosis · Deification · Divinization
The meaning of salvation and the purpose of life.
The Voice in the Stillness
An introduction to Christian meditation, the essential discipline.

other articles:

Jesus on Nonviolence
Jesus’ sayings on nonviolence and selfless love.
It’s Not About “Belief”
Following the teachings of Christ is not holding a belief system.
The Lotus and the Cross
Common Themes in Christian and Buddhist spirituality
Beyond Words
The Indescribable in writings of a Christian monk and the Heart Sutra

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