My teacher often points out that the Spirit seeks embodiment. “Being a human is such a wonderful thing, everyone’s trying to do it, even God!” Tonight, he said that all God wants is a human being. That’s what the Creator created. Unfortunately, God got a little less than what was ordered!
In his book, A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle puts it this way:
You are a human being. What does that mean? Mastery of life is not a question of control, but of finding a balance between human and Being. Mother, father, husband, wife, young, old, the roles you play, the functions you fulfill, whatever you do?all that belongs to the human dimension. It has its place and needs to be honored, but in itself it is not enough for a fulfilled, truly meaningful relationship or life. Human alone is never enough, no matter how hard you try or what you achieve. Then there is Being. It is found in the still, alert presence of Consciousness itself, the Consicousness that you are. Human is form. Being is formless. Human and Being are not separate but interwoven.
Life really is so much simpler than almost anyone would have you believe.